The iPhone X might be stealing the spotlight, but the iPhone 8 is Apple’s shot at their next blockbuster phone. It's design can either be thought of as another round of the same or the final form of this concept. Either way, this isn't a phone that should be easily dismissed.

There are a some unique challenges to comparing smart phone cameras. Most flagship phones have comparable (fantastic) hardware, so a lot of the difference in quality depends on the how their image signal processor uses the data it gets from the sensor. A common misunderstanding I see in other reviews is that when one camera is exposing differently, as in the iPhone/Samsun example, a lot of reviewers might say "The iPhone is is much brighter in the example, so it comes out the winner". As a photographer, it's obvious that the two cameras wanted to expose the scene slightly differently and with a quick swipe of your finger you can change that exposure setting on any photo.

I could write a whole article about how to get the most out of comparison photos, but what I'm seeing in these examples is that the iPhone 8 tends to want to slightly overexpose, and has boosted the saturation of it's colours, especially in the reds. I think this looks great, and most people will probably prefer this look out of camera. 
